The life of the unemployed, if lived correctly, is a busy one. Finding a full time job is a full time job. Throughout the current Economic Recession, I have been professionaly unemployed twice. October 2009-January 2010, and then again from June 2010 through current.

My blog is designed to serve a few purposes:
#1: An outlet for me to discuss, share, and vent when necessary.
#2: Gain exposure.
I hope you enjoy listening to my ramblings, feel free to share, post comments or just enjoy the reading material!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Post Snow Storm

Over the weekend, I joined Twitter. I'm still not sure how it is "effective" in job searching, but a few of my professional contacts have indicated it is, so I'll pretend the phenomenon is enjoyable. Just like Facebook, which I originally revolted against, I'm sure I'll become addicted...if I haven't already.

As the majority of schools in SE Michigan shut down for a few days, my niece's was no different. I was lucky enough to get a personal invite on Monday for a snow date. While it was cold (10 degrees) and the wind chill was bitter (-8 below), we enjoyed an hour outside, just Lani and Auntie. The love from that child fills my days for sure! Tonight is the Christmas Party for the Unemployed through the Career Ministries of Michigan, a Networking Group I am a part of. I'm excited and will hopefully meet some people. If I don't, I will at least be able to be out and socialize, which is something I desperately miss.

I have been very lucky to have a supportive family and friend base over the last several months. Being single through the holidays is always difficult, but to add unemployed to the title is just so much more enjoyable. *insert sarcasm here* I have joined a few dating sites online, after the encouragement of friends. Not sure how I feel about it. Had one experience right out of the gate that left a slight sour taste in my mouth...but I shall overcome, like I always do.

Ok, I think I've rambled about nothing for long enough. I'm going to eat a banana with peanut butter.

CrossRoads - 8 Resume Editing Tips

CrossRoads - 8 Resume Editing Tips

CrossRoads - Five Questions to Always Ask on an Interview

CrossRoads - Five Questions to Always Ask on an Interview

Friday, December 10, 2010


On days like today, I'm secretly *almost* glad I didn't have to get out and battle the morning rush hour traffic! As if being COLD isn't enough, now we have to resume the annual ritual of dealing with the individuals of this State who have somehow forgotten how to drive in snow. This really is a pain in the _ _ _, and if you're from Michigan, you know you agree. I mean come one Michiganders, it snows EVERY year...for at least 3 months. This is nothing new!!

Ok, vent over! Today, in addition to job searching, I've got a few errands to run. Off to the dollar store for a few items for a Brunch at Church on Saturday, then I think I'd better put some gasoline in my Jeep, in case we get this "huge" storm they're predicting for the weekend. Then a quick trip into the grocery store for a few necessities.

I have been doing a lot of "soul searching" over the last few days, and as we enter the Holiday season, I am truly grateful for the family and friends in my life who have been a support. I am not at all happy about being unemployed, but only a few individuals have made it painful. I am going to try and blog everyday from now on. I seem to have, what I have deemed "mental journal sessions" everyday, but there is always an additional release involved in putting on paper (so to speak). Hopefully someone will enjoy my musings!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Social Media

Social Media sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn offer access to the world, literally. Since starting my Facebook page in 2008 I have reconnected with hundreds of friends from high school and childhood that I may have otherwise never heard from again. Since actively using LinkedIn, I have doubled my network, and continue to connect to new professionals and groups on a daily basis. While all of these websites are great for socializing, they are also superior resources when you're in the job market.

What most people do not consider, is the lack of anonymity these websites provide. Paying attention to your privacy settings is crucial. On personal websites, such as Facebook and MySpace, you have the option to control who has access to your page and who doesn't. On Facebook for example, there is a "Friends Only" setting, which will allow only those individuals who you have granted access to, to view your photos, comments and posts. Another point that most people do not take into consideration is WHO you allow to be your "friend" on these social websites. A simple rule of thumb, if you have not had a face to face meeting with someone, do not allow them access to your social media page.

In addition to controlling the content people have access to, keep in mind that your "profile" photo will usually be accessible to everyone who searches for you. If you are actively job searching, I would recommend not posting a profile picture that contains anything inappropriate, whether legal or illegal. A picture is a small window into your lifestyle, and this may prevent even a phone call for an interview.

The following link ( allows a unique viewpoint of such social media sites, hopefully you'll find it as helpful as I have.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Who am I?

I am by no means an expert, nor will I pretend to be. What I offer here are merely my opinions and thoughts, and a few "tricks" I have picked up along the way. However, I have joined a group of elite professionals who are experts, and have taught me quite a bit about job searching and how to be effective. Here are a few items I have learned from this elite group, and will expand on during future posts:

1) Always look presentable
2) Market yourself
3) Looking for work is a full time job
4) Network
5) Be open to options

The above 5 topics are posts I will make in the days to come. I hope that someone, other than myself, will find this information useful. Looking for employment can be a daunting task, especially when you are seeking longevity and not just a paycheck. BUT, persistence and patience will pay off!