The life of the unemployed, if lived correctly, is a busy one. Finding a full time job is a full time job. Throughout the current Economic Recession, I have been professionaly unemployed twice. October 2009-January 2010, and then again from June 2010 through current.

My blog is designed to serve a few purposes:
#1: An outlet for me to discuss, share, and vent when necessary.
#2: Gain exposure.
I hope you enjoy listening to my ramblings, feel free to share, post comments or just enjoy the reading material!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Post Snow Storm

Over the weekend, I joined Twitter. I'm still not sure how it is "effective" in job searching, but a few of my professional contacts have indicated it is, so I'll pretend the phenomenon is enjoyable. Just like Facebook, which I originally revolted against, I'm sure I'll become addicted...if I haven't already.

As the majority of schools in SE Michigan shut down for a few days, my niece's was no different. I was lucky enough to get a personal invite on Monday for a snow date. While it was cold (10 degrees) and the wind chill was bitter (-8 below), we enjoyed an hour outside, just Lani and Auntie. The love from that child fills my days for sure! Tonight is the Christmas Party for the Unemployed through the Career Ministries of Michigan, a Networking Group I am a part of. I'm excited and will hopefully meet some people. If I don't, I will at least be able to be out and socialize, which is something I desperately miss.

I have been very lucky to have a supportive family and friend base over the last several months. Being single through the holidays is always difficult, but to add unemployed to the title is just so much more enjoyable. *insert sarcasm here* I have joined a few dating sites online, after the encouragement of friends. Not sure how I feel about it. Had one experience right out of the gate that left a slight sour taste in my mouth...but I shall overcome, like I always do.

Ok, I think I've rambled about nothing for long enough. I'm going to eat a banana with peanut butter.

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