The life of the unemployed, if lived correctly, is a busy one. Finding a full time job is a full time job. Throughout the current Economic Recession, I have been professionaly unemployed twice. October 2009-January 2010, and then again from June 2010 through current.

My blog is designed to serve a few purposes:
#1: An outlet for me to discuss, share, and vent when necessary.
#2: Gain exposure.
I hope you enjoy listening to my ramblings, feel free to share, post comments or just enjoy the reading material!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Who am I?

I am by no means an expert, nor will I pretend to be. What I offer here are merely my opinions and thoughts, and a few "tricks" I have picked up along the way. However, I have joined a group of elite professionals who are experts, and have taught me quite a bit about job searching and how to be effective. Here are a few items I have learned from this elite group, and will expand on during future posts:

1) Always look presentable
2) Market yourself
3) Looking for work is a full time job
4) Network
5) Be open to options

The above 5 topics are posts I will make in the days to come. I hope that someone, other than myself, will find this information useful. Looking for employment can be a daunting task, especially when you are seeking longevity and not just a paycheck. BUT, persistence and patience will pay off!

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